Lindy: A Volunteer Story
When I heard about UCA for the first time last year, I had no doubt that God was going to use Kalie and Meredith to change the lives of their future scholars. What I didn't know was how God was going to use UCA to change me. I knew I wanted to be involved, but wasn't sure how that would work with my work schedule. At an early volunteer meeting Kalie expressed how she was slightly terrified at the idea of driving a giant bus around with a bunch of kindergartners, and there was my answer. I signed up to be what I dubbed the Bus Bouncer and my Monday mornings haven't been the same since.
Sitting in that first row of the bus, I've gotten a front row seat for the amazing things that God is doing. I've gotten to celebrate the small answers to prayers ("God, please let the bus start this morning on this third try") and see how he is faithful even when the answers are much slower to come. I have also gotten the chance to get to know some of the coolest kids you'll ever meet. To be able to know them not just by their faces on Instagram, but by their voices and their laughs has been such a priceless gift. I've watched little brains grow and little hearts change, and my heart has been forever changed for it.
The first day of school this year was even more fun. The First Graders were about to burst with excitement of going back to school, while our new little Kindergartners faced the day with a mixture of pride and apprehension. A school bus full of little sponges. I sat back and I thanked God that they were going to a place where learning about Him was the first priority. This is just the beginning of the journey, and I can't wait to continue bumping along in that big yellow bus.